Sunday, April 27, 2014

Career Finder Quiz

Take advantage of affordable tuition, short completion timelines, and graduate assistance!

Over 85,000 students have chosen Career Step for these benefits and many more. The school's commitment to quality ensures that graduates have the skills they need to succeed in growing careers:
Not sure which is the career for you? Take our NEW Career Finder Quiz to find out today!
Career Step's programs are also all approved for MyCAA funding, which can completely cover the costs for eligible military spouses!
Students in Canada may also enroll in select Career Step programs. Learn More!

Don't forget to mention my referral code and you get FREE SHIPPING!
Name: Jenna Smith
Referrer ID: ref33026

They Reach Out to You Too

Another thing I love about Career Step is how involved they are in making sure you feel accomplished and connected. Like my last post, there are a lot of resources available for you to connect. But Career Step doesn't stop there, they reach out to you! They don't make you follow a schedule or routine but they check in with you to  make sure you are doing okay and see if you have any questions. Last week I got a phone call from Student Support just checking in and then she emailed me a little follow up the same day. It isn't a weekly check up or even monthly. The phone call lasted less than 5 minutes (but could last more if you had a lot to ask./say). And here is the email:

"Hello Jenna,
Thanks for taking a moment for us!

We’re contacting you to touch base and make sure you’re aware of the full array of tools and assistance available to you, and offer to answer any concerns or questions you may have.

• First of all, we'd encourage you to make sure you are a member of our online student forums. Forum membership is a great resource for your program because there’s so much information there for you, as well as support from others who are working through the same program you are. If you have not registered for the forum yet, please do so immediately by following these steps:

1. Go to
2. Click on the button "Request to Join This Site".
3. Please provide a valid email address and choose a password. This information is not the same as your course ID and password. Do not forget this password! You will need it anytime you log in to the forum or chatroom.
4. Please provide your first and last name, as well as you Career Step Student ID number. Your Student ID number is 0217862. In the Your Displayed Name Field input a screen name that will show on the forum whenever you post.
5. Read the Terms of Service for and check the box that you agree to to the terms. Click Join.
6. Your registration is complete. It will take up to 24 hours for your account to be verified. When it is, you will receive an email indicating you have access to the forums.

• Your forum membership also gives you access to the moderated chats for your program. You’ll see the moderated chat schedule posted on the forums. Please note the schedule for the chats that are slated for your program, and if you are able to, set aside time to attend.

• Please keep in mind that your program may include a webinar, if not more. If you are in the medical transcription course, this webinar takes place as you begin the Clinic Notes module; if you are in the coding & billing program, this webinar takes place as you begin the Diagnostic Coding Block I; the Pharmacy Technician program has an important webinar at the Calculations module; the Medical Administrative Assistant and the Executive Assistant have a webinar in the orientation module; while the Computer Tech and Medical BIlling program do not have a webinar. Some programs also include a webinar just before you take the final exam. Please plan to take advantage of the webinars for your program.

• Finally, please review your completion goals you established with your Study Planner tool. Determine if you’re on track with the schedule you originally chose, and if not, please reevaluate the goals by running a new Study Planner report with your completion goal date as the option. I encourage you to print out this report and post it by your workspace so you can see if often; this will help you know if you begin to fall behind before it’s too late! If you haven’t used the Study Planner tool yet, now is a great time to give it a try. Click on the Study Planner button on the front page of your program to access this tool. You can use the Study Planner as often as you like.

That’s it for now! Please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone at 1-888-657-5752 and choose the extension option for your program, or by email. We’re in the office M-F 9:00 am - 7:00 pm (Eastern time), and we’re happy to answer your questions. Please contact us soon!

Thank you!

Student Support

Why go with a Certificate Program?

Ever had someone ask you (or wondered yourself) why they would go back to school to earn anything other than a degree? This is exactly why we've created a video titled "Get In, Get Out, Get Working with a Certificate Program."
College tuition has increased over 500% in the last few decades, and it can be hard to take 2-4 years off to earn a degree. Make sure your friends and family know there are other good education options available!